Weekend/Thanksgiving wrap-up

Hope you had an extra special long weekend...I had to run into work both Thursday and Friday but was home as soon as our sweet munchkin was up....I'm just going to flood you with photos:)

Thursday...we celebrated Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family...always a fun/special time
Coloring like such a big girl while mommy and daddy finished food prep

I have so many aprons and finally discovered the amazingness of them

My beautiful girl

Dennis' incredibly deviled eggs after the Meddlesome Moth recipe

My beautiful sissy with lil I

Noelle made these adorable turkey hands for everyone!

Her first "Turkey day feast"...she was a fan this is her "mmm" face

SO blessed and thankful for these beautiful girls in my life

Friday...we headed to celebrate with the McDonald/Martin clan...Isabella had a blast with her big cousins...they were in love with her too...
Hamming it up

Isabella loves riding toys...where does the time go....she mostly went backwards...swoon:)

Saturday...since we don't believe in Black Friday shopping we ran to see if a few items were left that we had been eyeing...had a quick adorable carousel and Chick fil A break...everything is better with this little one...oh its the small things
This girl never stays asleep anymore...usually as soon as I turn the car off she is awake...I guess thats what 2 days of messed up schedule does for you...Miss social wanted nothing to do with naps....too much action going on

1st carousel

Mmmm Chick Fil A

1st trip to Home Depot with daddy

She loves to watch football:)

Getting better everyday at walking

Supporting Papaw and all those who have battled Prostate Cancer with "No shave Movember"

Sunday..daddy worked so I braved the Nutcracker with Isabella to watch Noelle...she did pretty great we left early after Noelle's part but she was so cute pointing and mesmerized by the music and dancing

Whew that was long...this week is going to be a busy one...already dreaming about Friday!

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