Healthy homemade baby food

I have really enjoyed making Isabella's food. Now that I can mix things and even throw in a few spices it has gotten even more is 3 quick, simple, healthy meals....we started slowly introducing cinnamon, vanilla, oregano and basil once Isabella turned 9 months old....This is all you need for these quick meals....for Miss Isabella I always buy organic, this is a personal choice but you can do as you would like...

Shopping list
1 cup-organic peas-frozen or fresh
2 chicken breasts (organic, grass fed)
2 organic sweet potatoes
1 organic banana
1 organic mango
1/2 cup organic oats
1 cup uncooked organic kale

You will need something to steam and puree your food....I use the saver for me and they have an awesome new latte/mint color....I may be buying a second one (just so I can have the latte one;)) or I recommend the double if you want to make food in bulk but a regular steamer, stove top, and blender or food processor does the trick...I have found my Beaba purees food so much faster... this is not a sponsored post I am just that much of a fan...

Chicken and pea mash
1 cup organic peas
1 organic sweet potato
2 organic chicken breasts

First, start by placing chicken breasts in pan on stove top, cover completely with water...bring to boil then reduce heat to medium heat and cook for 15-20 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink

Steam peas and sweet potatoes (I use my beaba but you can easily use the stove top or steamer)

Remove chicken from pan and steamed peas, sweet potatoes and chicken into Beaba to puree (If you don't have a Beaba, you can use a blender or food processor) I have found that my Beaba, though smaller, purees the easiest and fastest....

Place into these containers I talked about here....loving these plastic lids...I write date/item on top with dry erase markers...

This makes about 24 oz of food....

Kale mash
1 cup steamed kale
1 sweet potato (organic)

First, start by cleaning and removing stems of your kale...then place into Beaba or steamer

Peel and cut up sweet potato into small chunks, place in Beaba or steamer....

Place kale and sweet potatoes into Beaba or blender and mix together...

Place into mason jars or these or these....

Makes about 16 oz...

Mango & Banana oatmeal

1 mango
1 banana
1/2 cup oats

First, bring 1 cup water to a oats into pan...reduce heat and let simmer for 10 minutes...

Peel and cut up banana and mango into small chunks

Drain water off banana, mango and oatmeal into Beaba to blend

Place in mason jars or container of choice....

Makes about 24 ounces

All these can be placed in containers and frozen for later use...I usually try to use my frozen baby food within 3 lil munckin eats so fast we haven't had a problem doing that;) 

Happy cooking!!

I have my favorite crockpot apple sauce recipe coming for you next week!

Apple sauce recipe is up, link here
Link for introducing solid must haves here
Healthy Homemade baby food #2 here