Tweny-One Weeks
22 weeks
Baby's size: size of a papaya, about 11 inches and 1 pound
How far along: 22 weeks (23 on Friday)
How far along: 22 weeks (23 on Friday)
Sleep:Better, I sleep with pillows surrounding me and take about 3-4 bathroom breaks each night
Maternity Clothes: Most definitely and enjoying my belly bad
Food cravings: Fruit, chocolate milk and chocolate chip cookies
Food aversions: chicken! (usually my fave)...mushy bananas
Food aversions: chicken! (usually my fave)...mushy bananas
Symptoms I have: Round ligament pain, nausea again the last week, tired, lower back pain
Doctor’s Appointment: Today:)
Movement: All the time...I love it...I can actually see my stomach move now
Belly Button: still the same
Gender: Precious little girl !!
Best moment of the week: Dennis was able to feel her kick for the first time on Saturday, he can see her kick and move now...we have needed these precious, happy moments:)
What I’m looking forward to: Ordering her crib, her rug came in and ready to start painting the nursery!
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