Thank you Jaimee for the blog award! How fun is this, so excited. are the rules...
- someone "gave" this award to you? Create a blog post including 11 random facts about yourself
- also in that blog post, answer the 11 question the person that nominated you has given you and make up another 11 questions for the people you will nominate
- give this award to at least 5 blogs (up to 11) and link them in your post!
- tell those people that you have nominated them for the award
- you cannot nominate the person that has nominated you
- remember to tag blogs with less than 200 followers
Random Facts:
- I am obsessed with keeping lists and love crossing things off my list (sometimes I even add things to my list that I can already cross off just to show how productive I was)
- I don't require a lot of sleep. I thrive on being busy.
- I have a VERY sensitive spirit...I am always worried about other people and how they are doing, worry incessantly if I'm afraid I offended someone.... this carries over to the next one...
- I'm a people pleaser...I have had to work my whole life on balance and not trying to please everyone and having to say no. I hold onto negative people in my life for far too long because of this trait. I pray through it all the time.
- I was meant to be in the field that I am...God molded me and shaped me into the Nurse Practitioner I am today and taking care of my sweet Pediatric patients truly brings me joy.
- I L O V E giving gifts..somedays I wish I could win the lottery just so I could give away even better ones:)
- I love working out...I have loved it for as long as I can remember...nothing helps my mood more than hitting the pavement, the yoga mat, spin bike or kickboxing class. It is my outlet.
- I like to cook but am SO thankful that my husband loves it even more... I love spending time in the kitchen with him though it usually ends up with him making fun of me for not knowing something;)
- We have been trying to really clean up our health...I am SO sick of cancer and disease...we have thrown out plastic, avoid the sun, only buy organic, believe in fresh fruits and vegetables, and only eat whole wheat.
- I HATE slow drivers especially those in the fast lane who are oblivious to being passed by EVERY car on the road
- Target is my home away from can be dangerous!
Answers to Jaimee's questions:
What is your favorite place to buy clothes? Hmm...that's tough I have several frequent places... my favorite places are Anthropologie and Francescas but I frequent Express (because of their fantastic coupons) and I can't resist a cute affordable top or dress from Target! For jeans I'm a Nordstrom's girl.
What is your favorite bible verse or quote? For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you not to harm you but to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah thankful my future is in such incredible hands
What is your favorite cell phone app? My favorite app that I use all the time when I am bored is my Pinterest app....most useful is my Epocrates medication app.
What advice would you give your teenage self? Gosh I think about this ALL the time and how much I wish there was more I could do to help our teenage patients to see how much more there is to life than high school. I would tell myself that in several years high school will hold NO significance and that the things you will go through then are so minuscule to the joy and experiences later.
Drink of choice? "Vegas" martini..haha for others that is a Dirty Martini..I like mine extra dirty with extra olives..I also LOVE white wine! When watching calories I go for Vodka Diet Coke with Lime...dangerous
What is your favorite date night activity? (keep it clean!:)) My favorite date night is cooking dinner together and then cuddling up on the couch to watch a movie.
What is your favorite book of all time? My absolute favorite book of all times is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers...2 books I couldn't live without-my Bible and Jesus Calling
Iced coffee or hot? Depends on the season...definitely Iced for summer and hot for that answer cheating?!
Cold weather or hot? Definitely a hot weather girl...I would almost diagnose myself with seasonal affective disorder because I am SO much happier in the summer and with sunshine but I don't mind winter too much.
If you only had one day left to live, how would you spend it? I would want to have one huge party with every friend and family member I have. Just being present with them and in awe of the beauty of life.
What person in your family do you relate to the most? I am SO incredibly thankful the Lord blessed me with 3 sisters. It truly is the best thing in the world...I love each of them dearly and love how close we are. My mom is my best friend, it feels weird if a day goes by that I don't talk to her at least once. So thankful for her as my friend, mother, prayer warrior and support.
What is your favorite cell phone app? My favorite app that I use all the time when I am bored is my Pinterest app....most useful is my Epocrates medication app.
What advice would you give your teenage self? Gosh I think about this ALL the time and how much I wish there was more I could do to help our teenage patients to see how much more there is to life than high school. I would tell myself that in several years high school will hold NO significance and that the things you will go through then are so minuscule to the joy and experiences later.
Drink of choice? "Vegas" martini..haha for others that is a Dirty Martini..I like mine extra dirty with extra olives..I also LOVE white wine! When watching calories I go for Vodka Diet Coke with Lime...dangerous
What is your favorite date night activity? (keep it clean!:)) My favorite date night is cooking dinner together and then cuddling up on the couch to watch a movie.
What is your favorite book of all time? My absolute favorite book of all times is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers...2 books I couldn't live without-my Bible and Jesus Calling
Iced coffee or hot? Depends on the season...definitely Iced for summer and hot for that answer cheating?!
Cold weather or hot? Definitely a hot weather girl...I would almost diagnose myself with seasonal affective disorder because I am SO much happier in the summer and with sunshine but I don't mind winter too much.
If you only had one day left to live, how would you spend it? I would want to have one huge party with every friend and family member I have. Just being present with them and in awe of the beauty of life.
What person in your family do you relate to the most? I am SO incredibly thankful the Lord blessed me with 3 sisters. It truly is the best thing in the world...I love each of them dearly and love how close we are. My mom is my best friend, it feels weird if a day goes by that I don't talk to her at least once. So thankful for her as my friend, mother, prayer warrior and support.
My questions for my nominees:
1. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?
2. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
3. What inspires you?
4. Did you have a nickname growing up?
5. What is your favorite restaurant?
6. Sweet or unsweet tea?
7. What is your dream job?
8. What's your biggest pet peeve?
9. Do you remember your dreams in the morning?
10. Who is the most important person in your life?
11. Where is your dream vacation?
My Nominees:
Ashley of The Sweet Southern Life
Lili of Swanky-Chic-fete
Katie of Snips and Snails and Ponytails
Elizabeth Ann of Elizabeth Ann's Recipe Box
Kelly of Fabulous K
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