The hubs b'day

So the hubs turned 35 this past weekend and with all that has been going on and with how our lives are about to change (for the better of course) I wanted to make it extra special. I decided to surprise him with a little Staycation getaway for the weekend. We had an incredible fun fillled weekend...we started Saturday his birthday off with my family by doing the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition 5k down by the ballpark in was so incredible to honor our mom and the fight she went through and be a part of such a great cause.

Then Saturday afternoon I had him pack his bag and we headed to the Gaylord for a little getaway. It was incredible...relaxing....special and very needed for both of us. That night several of our friends joined us to surprise him at the Glass Cactus for drinks, fun and the one and only disco band Le Freak!! They were so fun and entertaining.

Sunday we woke up and headed to their new water area Paradise Springs and relaxed in the sun, floated the lazy river and enjoyed ourselves before changing and going to sweat, I mean enjoy taking our maternity pictures. It was a miserably hot day and Dennis' allergies started to go crazy! I am praying between the sneezing and sweating that we found some pictures that we like. I know we will:) MY brother in law of never disappoints. We then headed to dinner with his mom and grandma who accompanied us in the heat for our pictures...Marsha was SO helpful holding things, fixing my dress, and hair!!

We headed back to the hotel and just enjoyed being lazy and having NOTHING to do which NEVER occurs for us. I highly recommend just once a year taking a few nights away so you will truly relax, and stop to enjoy each other in this crazy hectic life we all live. This will definitely have to become an annual event.
Dennis' gift from Heather and Sasha!! He now ready:)

And the best part of the whole weekend..Dennis said it was his best birthday ever:) Proud wife right here!!

We actually continued celebrating with the Rangers game last was a great game besides the loss and the fact that Yu decided not to pitch at the last minute...The boys devoured a boomstick...not appetizing to me at all but they thoroughly enjoyed it as you can tell.

Happy Wednesay everyone...1/2 way to Friday!! Yipee!

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