35 weeks
Baby's size: Estimating about 4.5 lbs-5
How far along: 35 weeks
Sleep: Getting harder and harder since bath room breaks= playtime for Isabella then I enjoy it so much I can't sleep:)
Maternity Clothes: Yes growing by the day:)
Food cravings: Was craving cookie dough this week so made an egg-less kind and by the time I was done didn't want it anymore...took it to work and we enjoyed it together
Food aversions: Avoiding citrus fruits due to reflux:(
Symptoms I have: Pelvic pressure and pain, lots of shooting pains from her being on my femoral nerve, not fun!
Doctor’s Appointment: Thursday for sono---can't wait!
Movement: Tons and tons...whole belly movements
Belly Button: officially an outey
Best moment of the week: Cooler weather finally...been a nice break. Friday night we got to celebrate Joe's birthday with Marsha and some sweet family and friends...so thankful for the day he was born:) We miss him everyday!
What I’m looking forward to: Sonogram on Thursday and getting to meet sweet Jayme's baby and find out if it is a boy or girl:) Yay, can't wait!
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