5 month must haves

5 month must haves

1. Aden and Anais sleepsack: We used this for a couple weeks while miss Isabella was transitioning to being unswaddled. I weaned her to footed pajamas pretty shortly after so she could have her legs free since she is a cray-cray wild sleeper. She seemed to sleep pretty good either way, this momma just felt more comfortable with her little legs free.

2. Nuk pacifier: I started transitiong her to the Nuk pacifier at bedtime because she would decide to just play with her Wubbanub animal and pull her pacifier out. She loves this Nuk one...I tried a few others and this is the style she prefers. I still use the Wubbanubs during the daytime for naps or when out and about.

3. Dawn dish soap: Strange one you might think but this stuff is AMAZING for getting baby poop out of clothes. I carry a small one with me every where I go because inevitably Isabella poops while sitting in her carseat which results in poop all the way up the back. Any advice on how to prevent this? ya didn't think so, I mean I can't blame her sitting in the Bumbo or carseat seems much more condusive to pooping to me:) I love the Dreft stain remover as well but nothing beats the Dawn dish soap for quick clean up.

4. Bumbo: This trusty ole thing has almost 100% replaced her boppy lounger that was our fave....she prefers to sit up now and if I put her in the lounger she ends up scooting off of it, so sorry lounger you have been replaced by the trusty Bumbo as my go to. She loves to sit in it and watch me cook, sew, etc.

4. Teethers: Check out my post here on all her favorite teethers...we don't leave home without one...I don't see any fruit from all this teething labor she has done but I swear with the amount of drool it should be coming soon.

5. Fisher Price Laugh and Play puppy: A sweet friend gave this to us a couple weeks ago and it has quickly become a favorite. Isabella LOVES it...she smiles every time I get it out. Plus it has mommy signing Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head-shoulders-knees-and toes, patty cake and much more so what's not to love!

6. V-tech Rhyme and Discover book: Mamaw got this for sweet Isabella for Christmas and it is now another fave. I love to watch her little mind spin and learn....soak it up Miss Isabella!
Working on her 5 month post...I was a little late getting her photoshoot because
 well life got busy and the weather didn't cooperate but it should be up soon.

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