I spoke too early about you sleeping great, the 4 month sleep regression stage hit our house fo sho! We first had to quit unswaddling you because the day after you turned 4 months old you decided you wanted to roll while swaddled and ended up face planted in your crib....freaked this momma out. We weaned you to the Aden and Anais swaddle sack which we used for just a couple weeks but you are such a wiggle worm I wanted you to have your legs available when needed, so footed PJs it is and man are they cute:) I'll probably work on a whole post on the whole sleep regression in the near future. Want to make sure and document every little stage even the not fun parts like you not sleeping:) haha...the sleep regression lasted about 3 weeks and this past week I think we are finally out of it...hallelujah!
We get compliments on your pretty skin tone and eyes on a regular basis. This is not to toot my horn but yours...I wish I could take credit, we did nothing to create your looks...we were just obedient and God created you just as he planned!! Psalms 139:14...you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You love: being held, your Nuk pacifier when you are sleepy, Praise and worship (You squeal and smile the whole time)-it's my fave...you even raised an arm this week:), being talked to, your exersaucer, cooking with mom in your bumbo,
You don't love: being put down sometimes (I'm thinking the separation anxiety may be starting early), sitting in poop diapers (don't blame you)
Weight: 13 lbs 1 oz (20%ile)
Height: 25.5 inches (50 % ile)
Head: 15.5 in (20 %ile)
(I did my own measurements so may not be perfectly accurate)
Diaper count: 1133 (Size 1)
Wipes packages: 30
Diaper genie refills: 5
Longest stretch of sleep: 9 hrs 44 min
Shoe size: Newborn
Clothes size: 0-3 months, 3 months
Eating every 3-4 hours, taking 5 ounce bottles
Milestones: sitting up alone 4 sec, rolling both directions, cooing, babbling, turns to her name, grasping toys and putting in mouth, passing toys from hand to hand, sleeping unswaddled
Shots today: None, yippee!!
Happy 5 months little pumpkin!!
Such a cutie! And HE is the one who deserves all the credit!! What a wonderful creator!