2. Parum pum pum drum: Isabella loves, loves this toy set as well as her most favorite B blocks. Really anything that makes sounds or lights up are high on Isabella's preference list. It is so cute because she really can push buttons now and interact. We haven't decided if its by coincidence or not but on more than one occasion she has turned her sound machine back on during her nap or bedtime.
3. Ergo carrier: Since I have had a sweet clingy baby lately this has become a life saver....I have vacuumed, cleaned and packed with her snoozing in this thing. I love it....and an added plus momma gets a little extra workout in:)
4. Ella and Plum pouches:We have trialled these pouches for our future travels since I don't think my homemade baby food would travel and store well and Isabella loves them....and mommy loves them because they are 100% organic without any additives....She actually does great just sucking it right out of the pouch but some younger babies can't coordinate this so you can easily squeeze it right into a spoon or you can purchase a spoon attachment here that works kind of like the Boon spoon I talked about here.
5. Duck tub: This has been a perfect transition from her infant tub...It is so handy it blows up easily and drains super easy...this will definitely be traveling easily with us...
We have also continued to use all our Summer fun items I talked about here this month....I can't believe my sweet baby is now closer to 1 than to being a newborn...sigh:(
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