8 days
9 people
52 diapers
8 swim diapers
26 pouches of baby food
1 sunburn
7 bathings suits
2 restless nights
1 new tooth
3 beautiful stops
1 queen of the cruise
Isabella was the BEST traveling baby...I'm not just bragging because she is my daughter but everywhere we went people complimented how adorable and good she was...She slept and played on both 5.5 hour car rides...napped like a champ wherever she was by the pool, in her stoller, in my arms, in her pack n play. I feel like the worst mommy because she had two restless nights where she woke up crying like she was in pain between 2-3 am and I just thought because she was in our room she just wanted me to hold her...dawned on me after night 2 that it might be a tooth and yep it sure was...even teething she was incredible...we have been so blessed.
I have SO many pictures...I took much less than I normally do partly because my arms were always full with Isabella, bags, toys, etc but I still have lots so I decided to break the post up on our stops...
Day 1-2....out to the sea...headed to our first stop
Waiting to get on the ship
We arrived....my sweet lil pumpkin
Didn't change the settings for my sis but I still love this...excuse my hot/sweaty/mess look sleeping baby+carrying 14lbs=heat overload

Pool time with Popi
Sweet parents at our first dinner
Our first towel animal our girl was SO proud of the monkey she made for "Esa-bella":)
Ready for day 2
So you're saying she loves watermelon
My lil family oh how I love them!
Isabella loves her beautiful Auntie Hannah
Just nappin like a pro
My adorable sailor girl!
We heart pool time
Day 1 and 2 was filled with sun...relaxation...and way too much food as we sailed out to Sea!!
Love the anchor outfit! Can't wait for the next posts!