Foto Friday

Shhh...don't tell anyone I'm posting this on Saturday...I totally forgot to hit publish was a crazy week back to work and I have been so ready for the weekend since Monday....

This little teether has been our life saver this week..

Will do yoga for food!!

Loves, loves playing with mommy's phone

Sweet smiles

She does not like when I put her down so I can go to the bathroom...

Just lounging on mommy's bed

And oh this happened this week...remember I'm just a wee lil blog and usually get about 100 pageviews a day so when this happened this week I thought I got spammed...haha but nope one of my recipes got posted here on fun!!

The hubs had to work on my birthday so he surprised me with a dinner date to Silver was delish of course I didn't get a pic of us or my delicious steak but I did enjoy one of these beauts!!

and I'm not usually a fan of calamari but this was delish!

My sweet sis Hannah posted this on Instagram and pretty much made my day...I am SO blessed!

I took Isabella to Toys R Us to return something and decided we needed a couple new toys. You would have thought she was in heaven she got so excited about EVERY toy I showed her....loved it!

More teething...frozen peaches it is...Her right lower tooth came through I think the left is right behind it

One of my adorable birthday dinner sweet friend Jen knew the hubs was working so stole me for some margaritas and mexican food...

He snuck a huge glob of icing with his straw and was SO proud of himself...

These 2 are gonna be best buddies!

I will finish our trip recap next week...I prefer not to blog on the's my sacred time with my sweet family and friends...

Happy weekend ya'll!!

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