Foto Friday

Just another 'ole iPhone photo dump.....

My sweet sleeping queen for her Mimi on Monday...

I am slightly Ub-sessed with this belt and shorts:) She is so active its hard to capture pictures these days...I think these will fit through winter so expect to see them paired with leggings underneath:) I bought them for the belt and it looks like it will fit for a long time:)

Oh just practicing my splits
I cover up the cart and she ALWAYS, ALWAYS finds the area not covered...silly girl...

While waiting for Grey and Jaimee to arrive we attempted a walk Heat in Texas=5 min walk

Got our first Citrus Lane box in the!!

Oh sweet this kid and his big amazing eyes!!

This cheerio trap has provided hours of entertainment...I'm working on a wipes container with fun things to grab out of it....To be continued...

Best buddies....
SO blessed beyond belief that I get to come home to this sweet face everyday!! Makes my heart soar!!

Happy happy Friday ya'll!! T-3 hours until the weekend!

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