This was one of those weeks that on Sunday looked like it was going to be nice and relaxing...not much on the calendar but it ended up being crazy busy....are your weeks like that too?
Tuesday...we took dinner over to my sweet friend Amy's house who just had a baby...we attempted a pic but with 2 wild children and a newborn we just didn't pull it off...I forgot again to get a picture of me and miss Ella..she was so cuddly and let me hold her forever:) Our husbands had a blast talking hunting and we had to peel them away to get the lil miss to bed...
This cracked me up if only you could see Dixie on the ground staring too...apparently they all wanted what Dennis was eating:)
Just playing and holding onto her baby
Wednesday I got to go to the Mumford & Sons concert with my sweet friend Jen....she had a last minute ticket and I couldn't have been more excited....I was so bummed I didn't get a make it even more sweet despite 2 hour traffic, and shotty cell service we were able to find my sisters and their friends and we crashed the Ellis' party...and we ran into the Sneed's and Elise, tried and tried to connect with my sweet friends Caroline and Ashley but concert of all time!!
Best buds taking a bath while their mommas were at the concert...the nanny was giving Graham a bath and Isabella wasn't having it without her...I told you she LOVES bath time!!
This girl is the best...I was debating going to the concert because I was going to have to wake her up to take her home but she did SO amazing...was all smiles and went right back to bed at home...
Thursday...we had some art lil artist with a wedgie...relaxed, ran some errands and stayed busy
Being resourceful some how pulled her bumper pad to be her pillow haha...
Playing with her newest toy...wipes container with letters...entertains her forever!! So fun!
Finally had the chance to try some of her new fall clothes on that I ordered from heart might have skipped a beat when I saw how cute she looked...

We don't usually do huge headbands but we won this one and I am in LOVE....It's Jameson must go get one...
Yay it's's raining here....going to be in the 80s this weekend...and we have a steak date night....Yes and Yes!!
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