Your sweet independence is in full prefer to feed yourself, absolutely love to climb up into your rocking chair and big girl table, love to ride around endlessly on your "car"-I told daddy I need a bike to keep up...
Your new favorite phrase is "Der it tis" probably because the only way I can keep you from doing 100 flips while getting you dressed is to play the game of "Where's Isabella's hand? Where's Isabella's foot? There it is!!!!" Oh you are such a are a busy Izzy as we like to call you....
You don't sit still often so I covet those sweet moments where you crawl up in my lap or rest your head on my shoulder even if its just for a second..
You officially weaned your early morning feeding...mommy secretly misses those early morning snuggles before work but know that the sleep is so good for you now. It only took one day for me to not respond at 4:30 am and you quit waking up....weaning from breastfeeding was SO much harder on both of us than I still will nurse on occasion usually when you are really sleepy or want some fuss and pull my shirt down this is happening less and less frequently:(
You are officially weaned to the sippy cup, a few days after turning a year old you decided the sippy cup wasn't so bad and have loved it ever since...good bye baby bottles:(
You love....playing walk or ride away from me and as soon as I catch you oh the giggles....daddy and I love still absolutely love your lovey from Miss grab it first thing in your crib, you've grown fond of your paci so we have to leave it in your crib, I should wean this but momma isn't ready to let go of every baby thing yet! Looking out the window in the car, smiling and waving at people at the store, getting attention, your doggies, yogurt, take them off and want me to put them back on....
You dislike...having to be still to get dressed, certain foods...everyday is different one day you love beans the next day you want nothing to do with them....the pickiness has begun....eek
Your schedule is relatively the same
8:30-rise and shine, sippy cup + food
11:30-milk + food
2:30-snack time
5-7pm nap
7:00-milk + food
7:30-bathtime/bedtime routine
You are growing up way to you can tell by our month pictures they are almost impossible these just wanted to throw the chalkboard on the floor and say "uh oh"
Weight: 18 lbs (6 %ile)
Height: 29 inches (36 %ile)
Head: 17.5 (24 %ile)
Diaper count: 2912 (Size 3)
Wipes packages: 64
Diaper genie refills: 16
Longest stretch of sleep: 12 hrs 43 min (early morning feeding is officially weaned)
Shoe size: Size 3
Clothes size: 6 months, 6-9 months, 6-12 months (Gap:))
Teeth: 6
Eating: Sippy cup 3 times a day, eating solids ~6-8oz at breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. (officially weaned occasionally begged to nurse at night so we do...its more for comfort because it doesn't take long)
Milestones: walking, riding toys forward, climbing into chairs
Words: momma, dadda, dog, Dixie, Uh-oh, Der it is (there it is), Ho, ho, ho (santa says), Whooo, Whoo (owl says), Maci, Baby
Words: momma, dadda, dog, Dixie, Uh-oh, Der it is (there it is), Ho, ho, ho (santa says), Whooo, Whoo (owl says), Maci, Baby
Shots today: Flu shot #2
Happy 13 months baby girl!!
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