Weekend wrap-up

Our weekend didn't start out quite as planned...daddy was still recovering from a stomach bug so we cancelled our Valentine's date plans but it ended up being so sweet and incredible regardless....so thankful my house is all healthy again and feeling extremely blessed....we have a fun surprise from Saturday I plan to share with photos tomorrow!!

Friday...I left work early so Mimi could go to a conference so Isabella and I had quite a date day...we had a play date planned with the Kendricks but her boys got sick and Dennis and I had reservations that got canceled because he was sick but we had a fun blessed day regardless!!
Bathroom selfie with my lil one....

Isabella's Valentine's gift from daddy and I...going to carry on my parents sweet tradition

Starbucks date!!

Trying to get a picture of her outfits these days is near impossible:)

Obsessed with this dress....but thinking I should have hemmed it....sweet girl is just welp not tall;)

Enjoying the beautiful weather that finally hit Texas

Bubbles with daddy

And when your dress really gets in the way:)

Pretending the airplane I Love you was for us ha

We had decided no big gifts this year and I came home to this big surprise....a new purse....because I deserved it he said...so sweet and so thoughtful

Saturday....momma went to a shower for a sweet friend Leah having a lil boy Knox....then we had a fun cook out and surprise at my parents that I will reveal tomorrow....I need a whole post with pics for that one;)
loving momma's necklaces!

Love these sweet friends

Beautiful momma to be and the onesie I made

Loved this cake

Sunday...we had a nice lazy morning, I ran to another baby shower for my sweet friend Allison who is welcoming a sweet baby girl 

Muffins and smoothies for my sweet fam...insomnia has hit me lately so I was up way too early before my lil one even

She doesn't usually like blankets but she demanded to be covered up with daddy's UT blanket...he was proud 

She loved these "big" girls playing with her at the shower...she even hugged and kissed them all on her on with no prompting;) Be still by heart!

So thankful for this adorable side kick!!

Hope you had a blessed weekend!

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