Bumpdates 18 weeks

Baby's size: size of an bell pepper

How far along: 18 weeks

Developing this week: Myelin is beginning to form around nerves, blood vessels are visible through the skin

Weight gain: 6ish pounds

Sleep: Not been super great this past week, having some restless leg and frequent bathroom breaks

Maternity Clothes: Not just yet did use my belly band once this week so I could wear my jeans and eat Cheesecake Factory;)

Food cravings: Nothing new really, sweet tea sounds so good need to find me some good decaf somewhere

Food aversions: Can occasionally have a salad at night but still none for lunch, strange!

Symptoms I have: Several migraines...thought maybe I'd avoid them this pregnancy but apparently me and hormones=Headaches, restless leg, round ligament pain

Doctor’s Appointment: next appointment is next week for our big sonogram:)

Movement: Loving it...starting to feel it more consistently:)

Belly Button: an outie!

Gender: Boy, Boy, Boy!

Best moment of the week: Another great week

What I’m looking forward to: Our 20 week sonogram and daddy getting to feel you move! 

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