Baby's size: size of a mango
How far along: 20 weeks
Developing this week: Starting to practice swallowing which is good practice for the digestive system, also starting to develop meconium
Weight gain: 8 lbs
Sleep: A little better I think due to one night of no sleep so the rest of the nights was sheer exhaustion
Maternity Clothes: Mostly making my normal clothes work, still fitting into my normal scrubs and have used the belly band a couple times...thinking I will be pulling them out and hanging all my maternity clothes back up
Food cravings: nothing crazy, definitely bought some Lucky Charms for St Patricks day and thoroughly enjoyed them:)
Food aversions: Plain lettuce green salads
Symptoms I have: some heartburn, couple headaches, a few nights of nausea but oh so much better
Doctor’s Appointment: Got to have our big anatomy sonogram this week, thank you Jesus for another healthy baby, we do not take a second of this for granted and are so thankful....he was kicking around and active....all his organs looked perfect and he wasn't shy about showing us his man parts, also got to see Dr. T on Friday and hear the heartbeat again and he kept kicking and pushing on the probe:)
Heart beat 152
Movement: Lots and lots...oh what an incredible feeling
Belly Button: an outie!
Gender: Boy, Boy, Boy!
Best moment of the week: Getting to see our precious boy and see that he is all healthy and developing just like he should. Getting to hear his heart beat!
What I’m looking forward to: Every single new day and week
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