Baby's size: size of a head of cauliflower
How far along: 27 weeks
Weight gain: 17 lbs
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good and have longed for a nap several days
Maternity Clothes: Feeling crazy big already mixing maternity and regular, really enjoying dresses and maxis these days
Food cravings: Nothing crazy...still spending way too much $ at Starbucks;)
Food aversions: Greeny leafy Salad...
Symptoms I have: Felt rather exhausted a few days this week...thinking sweet boy went through a growth spurt
Doctor’s Appointment: next week
Movement: this boy is active...I love it...
Belly Button: outie + hernia
Gender: sweet little boy Cayson
Best moment of the week: Having your sister continue to say baby to my belly...praying continually that the Lord prepare her for when we bring you home...
What I’m looking forward to: appointment next week
Baby's size: size of an eggplant
How far along: 28 weeks
Weight gain: 20 lbs (don't think I am only going to gain 26 lbs this worth it though)
Sleep: okay...have had a few nights of severe leg cramps...need to up my banana intake
Maternity Clothes: More maternity than regular....
Food cravings: Nothing crazy...Lucky Charms a couple nights...don't feel hungry at dinner time often but cereal always sounds good;)
Food aversions: Still just lettuce really
Symptoms I have: reflux....mostly at night time, Charlie horses in my sleep
Doctor’s Appointment: This week...measuring right at 28 weeks, Heart rate nice and strong in the 150s, Passed my glucose test...yipee....swung between falling asleep and almost vomiting 1.5 hrs after but thankful its over and no 3 hour test this time:) Hgb/Hct were normal so no extra iron this time...hallelujah! Get to have a sonogram in 2 weeks
Movement: I swear you have done a few flips this week....Dr. T thinks you are head down....I hope so!!!
Belly Button: still an outie with a rather large hernia, not so pretty....we will see how it looks after this time
Gender: sweet little boy Cayson
Best moment of the week: getting to hear your strong heart beat..knowing we get to see your sweet face in 2 weeks:) Daddy is working hard on getting your pallets ready to put on the wall
What I’m looking forward to: every single day!
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