Bumpdates 29 weeks

How far along: 29 weeks

Baby's size: Size of a butternut squash

Developing this week:  About 2.5 lbs and a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain.

Weight gain: 20 lbs 

Sleep: sleeping pretty good, usually about 4-5 bathroom breaks a night but charlie horses were a little less often

Maternity Clothes: most definitely...growing like a weed these days

Food cravings: double stuff oreos and milk ha! Random;)

Food aversions: Salads are a little better but still not my first choice

Symptoms I have: I am strangely SO comfortable this week...I felt you do a huge flip one night so I am praying you flipped from breech to head down....if not however you moved it is way more comfortable than it was;)

Doctor’s Appointment: Every 2 weeks now....sonogram next week I can't wait!!!

Movement: Tons & tons....I can tell right where your butt and feet are these days

Belly Button: outie

Gender: sweet lil boy! Hopefully a mama's boy;)

Best moment of the week: Feeling you do a huge flip...crossing my fingers for heads down:)

What I’m looking forward to:  our sonogram next week....it's been way too long since we've seen your sweet face!

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