How far along: 31 weeks
Baby's size: Size of a pineapple
Baby's size: Size of a pineapple
Weight gain: 23 lbs
Sleep: sleeping pretty okay some nights are better than others....
Maternity Clothes: yes enjoying maxis, dresses and shorts these days
Food cravings: watermelon, pineapple...nothing else crazy
Food aversions: have actually eaten a few salads out to dinner lately that have been yummy:)
Symptoms I have: lots and lots of Braxton Hicks, some femoral nerve pain (not as bad as with sissy), feeling the waddle already coming soon
Doctor’s Appointment: had our 30 week sono on were active as always...loving to kick the probe just like sister are already measuring 3 lbs 12 oz (60%ile) not taking after sister apparently, you were head down again...woo hoo...not getting my hopes up but it sure is way more comfortable with you head down...more Braxton Hicks but all over less pain!
Movement: always....I love that I can tell exactly what body part is what these days...You love to stretch out and stab me in the side with your foot while your butt protrudes through my other side:)
Belly Button: belly button, what belly button?!;)
Gender: ALL boy!
Best moment of the week: Getting to watch you on the didn't cooperate for a profile view but I am already obsessed with your chubby sweet cheeks!
What I’m looking forward to: Every week that you stay put and cook a little longer, getting the nursery complete and seeing you again at 36 weeks!
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