Father's Day just like Mother's day is such a great day but my heart always aches for so many that it isn't always a perfect day for...the reality of missing our Papaw McDonald and Papa Crosby hits very close to home. My heart is heavy for all those who have lost their daddies, or don't have earthly dads worth being mentioned and for those wishing to be daddies. It's a bittersweet day as I have been blessed with a very incredible dad who is still present, loving and active in my life and who has been an incredible Popi to our sweet Isabella...she is quite obsessed....and my now hubby who has caused me to fall more and more in love with him watching him be a daddy....but my heart hurts as we miss our Papaw and think about Marsha and the McDonald family that miss him so much...we know in our house several heart aches that can come along with Father's day but I am so thankful to know that we all have a Heavenly Father that is more perfect than we can imagine and is enough for us...that doesn't make us miss our Papaw less or pray for those who may be struggling any less, it just gives us hope and reassurance...
I am in love with the sweet silhouette of our sweet lil pumpkin that I had done for Dennis and absolutely adore the middle picture of Dennis and Isabella...shows just how much she adores him and the sweet hand card we made that shows her perfectly crooked thumbs and says "I love you this much"
We had a perfect lazy Sunday morning complete with chocolate croissants, Starbucks and breakfast sandwiches...just what daddy requested....then enjoyed pool time and dinner with my family and Dowling grandparents...wish I would have taken more pics but my phone decided to take a quick swim as well so it was shut off per the hubby's orders;)
This girl loves coffee...I'm in trouble...it's decaf and she only gets a sip
daddy/daughter time
Ready for the pool...she demanded all of her sunglasses and she tried them all on as well as did her daddy and I
Checking herself out in the mirror...
Snack break...umm yes she left her hat on for the majority of the time...haha
Those leg rolls
Obsessed with this bathing beauty....
Hope you had a blessed Father's Day!!
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