Thankfully with all my research and help from friends I feel like I registered for and had the best items for baby #1. We knew Lord willing that we wanted more children in our future so we also tried to plan ahead for baby #2 and buy things that would make adding onto is my list of the essentials and things we needed to purchase for sweet Cayson's arrival. I can say they have all been purchased and he can arrive any day after Tuesday when Dr. T gets back in town:) But not a day before then ha! My full registry post can be found here. I plan to reuse all of the items on that list and these are my additional needs..
Infant Baby Monitor- we bought this monitor knowing it would be easy and convenient to just buy the additional can add up to 4 cameras on one monitor...I know I will be that mother with her kids on the monitor until they are old enough to care...probably when headed off to college...haha...I kid...we had a cracked screen so that was our full intention but we ended up having to buy a full new one with 2 cameras but if you were lucky it is so easy to spend less than $100 to add a camera onto your existing Summer Infant monitor....we love this monitor, it is touch screen, has night vision, a talk back mode so you can talk to your sweet baby from the other room, and a zoom in feature-to make sure your baby is moving/breathing-the crazy nervous mom that I am loves this feature:)
Mattress- This has been by far the best deal on an Organic mattress that I have is the perfect firmness and even has a toddler size...we have the same one for Isabella and love it
Mattress pad-like the mattress this is the same one we had for Isabella and was the best deal on an Organic cover as I could find
Sound machine-Isabella loves, loves her Sleep sheep and lamb and when I saw this adorable owl I knew this is the one we needed for sweet boy...Isabella from very young learned how to turn it on and change the also doesn't get too loud so I feel comfortable with it right in her bed
Wipes warmer- we have a primary diaper changing station downstairs that we use most often but we do change the little ones diapers upstairs on occasion so an extra wipes warmer and diaper genie have been purchased
Changing pad-like I said above 99% of the time I change Isabella's diaper downstairs but right before bed or when she first wakes up we will change diapers in her room...I think with baby #2 I will probably need to use their rooms more often for diapers/clothes etc rather than take over the office so we are preparing for that
Pack n play-we haven't actually purchased a second pack n play yet but are prepared to once I go back to work...we may need an extra for nap times etc...since when Isabella is not at home she still sleeps in hers but for now we will just use the one we have
Not pictured above is the Rock n Play...I know so many people who have sworn by them and we actually purchased one from a friend...I absolutely loved our swing, boppy lounger and rocker with Isabella but I think this will come in handy for quick traveling etc since I have a busy toddler on my hands and I'm sure short attention span and frequent room changes will continue;)
Mattress- This has been by far the best deal on an Organic mattress that I have is the perfect firmness and even has a toddler size...we have the same one for Isabella and love it
Mattress pad-like the mattress this is the same one we had for Isabella and was the best deal on an Organic cover as I could find
Sound machine-Isabella loves, loves her Sleep sheep and lamb and when I saw this adorable owl I knew this is the one we needed for sweet boy...Isabella from very young learned how to turn it on and change the also doesn't get too loud so I feel comfortable with it right in her bed
Wipes warmer- we have a primary diaper changing station downstairs that we use most often but we do change the little ones diapers upstairs on occasion so an extra wipes warmer and diaper genie have been purchased
Changing pad-like I said above 99% of the time I change Isabella's diaper downstairs but right before bed or when she first wakes up we will change diapers in her room...I think with baby #2 I will probably need to use their rooms more often for diapers/clothes etc rather than take over the office so we are preparing for that
Pack n play-we haven't actually purchased a second pack n play yet but are prepared to once I go back to work...we may need an extra for nap times etc...since when Isabella is not at home she still sleeps in hers but for now we will just use the one we have
Not pictured above is the Rock n Play...I know so many people who have sworn by them and we actually purchased one from a friend...I absolutely loved our swing, boppy lounger and rocker with Isabella but I think this will come in handy for quick traveling etc since I have a busy toddler on my hands and I'm sure short attention span and frequent room changes will continue;)
City select- By far one of our best purchases ever....this stroller is a rock star...I can't tell you how many times I get stopped, complimented or asked about this stroller, especially if you plan on having more than one child this stroller is a must...all we have had to purchase was the additional seat and I also purchased the adorable skate board that attaches to it for when Isabella has her toddler moments and wants down at least she can easily hop on and ride when we need her to!
Bumbo-I needed a new bumbo since I refuse to force our son to sit in a pink one...same goes for our boppy lounger...both of these were life savers for me...I also fully expect Isabella to think she will need to sit in her bumbo, chair, etc after all they are "Mine" :) The boppy lounger is how I was able to shower when Isabella was an infant...she would sleep, play, etc in it happily (usually) while I showered...I made my self shower, get dressed and put on makeup everyday...its how I kept myself sane:)
Car seat-obviously while Cayson is little we will continue to use the Britax Chaperone we used for Isabella but already have this convertible one ready to go for when he is big enough...hopefully he will need it much sooner than our little Isabella. In the meantime it will be Isabella's extra seat in daddy's car where she never rides;) In my opinion Britax far exceeds all other car seats...its durability and safety ratings far exceed its competitors...
These are my anticipated needs so far...I'm sure I may come back with an updated list once brother arrives but I will update along the way...I know there are army men, cars, trucks, trains in our future as well:) All things boy that I must learn!
T-14 days or less!!
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