How far along: 37 weeks
Baby's size: Size of a winter melon
Baby's size: Size of a winter melon
Weight gain: 28 lbs
Sleep: Rolling over takes an act of congress haha...getting up to go to the bathroom in the night is also another story...takes a lot longer than it used to
Maternity Clothes: Yes grabbed one daddy's t-shirts this week to wear at night and it was big and comfy it made me not feel so large ha!
Food cravings: fruit and chocolate
Food aversions: reflux these days makes food at night quite difficult but other than that nothing crazy
Symptoms I have: Oh Braxton Hicks with are not my favorite....I will be excited when you turn into real contractions:)
Doctor’s Appointment: Had a sonogram this week...fluid levels were back up to 14:) is dilated at 3 cm, 80% effaced and at a 1 station...need you to stay put while Dr. T is out of town this weekend but after that we are ready any day now:)
Movement: Definitely getting cramped in there....your movements are smaller and less often but you are still wiggling away!
Belly Button: still an outie!
Gender: Still a boy
Best moment of the week: Finally getting a view of your profile on the sonogram this week....seeing that we are progressing and officially counting down the days!
What I’m looking forward to: meeting you and kissing those sweet cheeks
How far along: 38 weeks
Baby's size: Size of a pumpkin
Baby's size: Size of a pumpkin
Weight gain: 29 lbs
Sleep: insomnia has hit this week again....once I fall asleep I sleep great besides the bathroom breaks though
Maternity Clothes: yes!
Food cravings: cherries, watermelon, and dark chocolate
Food aversions: Ready to be rid of reflux so I can enjoy food!
Symptoms I have: Tons and tons and tons of contractions, horrible reflux with some nauseas days, and some pretty severe femoral nerve pain (probably one of the hardest to walk off)
Doctor’s Appointment: Late appt this week because of scheduling..see Dr. T on Thursday...praying she either sends me into labor or I don't make it to see her ha!
Movement: Little kicks and stretches these days
Belly Button: outie all the way
Gender: Still a boy
Best moment of the week: Knowing that the day is SO, SO close!
What I’m looking forward to: Knowing that we will see you in 2 weeks or less!
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