Cutest big sister I ever did see
Trying something to keep her distracted while feeding brother
Helping with his diaper change
Then on Monday morning you got to go to Mimi's house to play and you came home shortly after we arrived home with baby brother...the below video proves you did quite do NOT share Minnie with anyone!!
We had a few rough moments the first couple days as you wanted mommy to hold you or didn't want me to have to feed baby but you have slowly transitioned and don't mind...I am SO incredibly thankful I didn't have a c-section because I have been able to lift you and hold you...We had also bought you a baby doll with a bottle that makes drinking decision is how I made it through the first few days of feeding Cayson...we made the weeks leading up to Cayson's arrival very special...lots of one on one fun time...Isabella has transitioned well actually giving brother hugs and kisses...we still have our toddler moments but those would be present with or without baby:)
My recommendations for helping toddlers with the transition:
1. Buy them a baby doll..yes even boys...I can tell Isabella to grab her baby when I need to do something with Cayson and it makes her feel involved...doll we got here
2. Talk about babies...get books, show them babies, etc...we loved the Bernstein Bears New Baby book here
3. Pray, pray, pray for a smooth transition
4. Remember to spend special time with just them and give them some love and attention
5. Have some fun activities and dates planned before and after baby arrives
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