We had some fall weather blow through Dallas area this weekend and it was amazing....we soaked it up and enjoyed being a little lazy...
Friday...we played at the mall with sweet Layla and had a blast...then had a lazy night because daddy got home late...
Finally caught sweet boys smiles...slow down my heart!
Got lots of compliments on her sweet scarf...I actually had 2 moms say they never thought to put a scarf on their daughter...I guess I just dress her like I would;)
Just snoozing like a champ at the mall
Layla and Isabella sliding with a photobomber in the back
My sweet boy is suffering from some pretty intense reflux mixed with a splash of colic so we celebrate these sweet moments at night
Calm after some medicine, esssential oils and serious patting and cuddling
Saturday...since we didn't end up going to mamaw's house we had a lazy day getting things done around the house and had our first dinner night out as a family of 4!
After he wakes up at 6:30 am he will often snuggle with me like this...love
This doesn't look comfy
Enjoying the beautiful outdoor weather
He was a champ

We decided to attempt brothers first bottle and of course sissy had to do it..she did great, he on the other hand hated the bottle regardless of who attempted to give it to him:(
Sunday...we enjoyed church, football, attempted naps, and small group
Just watching football with daddy
Whew that was exhausting
This hair...I love!!
Can't believe my baby is 6 weeks old and I only have 6 weeks left on leave:(
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