Everyday is sweet and the weekends are even sweeter:) If only we could instill a 4 day work week and 3 day weekend...wouldn't that be heavenly...
Friday...we debated a swim date with Mimi but opted for a low key day at home since we had a couple errands to run, Isabella slept til 8:30 and we had friends coming for dinner...it was nice to hang around the house since we are often out and about....
I can finally put on other things besides Minnie without her handing me the remote to change it....insert Frozen...Olof is her favorite:)
Sweet napper
I love that he is smiling....

Saturday....we headed to the balloon festival then had the fam over for cake to celebrate Dennis and Sasha's birthdays...Isabella is obsessed with balloons to say the least so we knew she would love it...we braved the heat for memories and this sweet girl...
She was so excited on our way...
She played for 2 hours instead of napping so she was perfectly subdued...loved it...
My adorable family...pardon my pant-less child...I removed his clothes so he wouldn't get hot...he shockingly wasn't hot at all:)
Still think there has to be a molar in there somewhere....
Tried to catch all her excitement on video...she cheered, she clapped, she was in heaven:)
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The stance of an excited toddler

Can't believe this sweet boy is 7 weeks already
Sibling love...
I laid sweet Cayson down while I went to go get Isabella and came back to this...amazing!
This goofy kid cracks me up...don't mind that her sandwich is half hazard that is how she will eat it:)
Her daddy is her hero...she thinks if it is broken "daddy fisit"
Happy Monday....off to celebrate our sweet daddy's birthday for a nice dinner date!
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