You got your first horrible cold this month from your sissy, by the amount of snot I suctioned from you both I'm guessing it was RSV... thankful for no ear infection with didn't eat well at all for several days resulting in you falling off your growth curve which didn't surprise me..I tried to give you a pep talk that you were going to have to weigh in this week but it didn't help..crossing our fingers you pick up soon or weight check in a few weeks it is :/
You have discovered your hands and feet and are a drooling monster these days!! You are SO incredibly smiley and interactive these days! You love to be talked to and giggle at your sister like think she is the funniest is SO incredibly precious and sweet..I pray daily you and your sissy have an incredible relationship.
We finally were able to switch you to Prevacid..thanks to sweet friends who told us about generic compounding sans are finally a HAPPY baby...we have our occasional moments but you are finally feeling are also getting stronger which is also love to sit up and love your Bumbo..if we lay you down you immediately start getting an ab workout trying to sit up..
You haven't slept well this month thanks to the infamous sleep regression and cold from h.e.double hockey stick...momma is ready for us both to get some sleep...some nights are better than others....I'm at least getting my exercise going up and down the stairs...reaching for positives here;) plus I'll take the still nap well and prefer to be held...don't blame you...
We are still forcing the pacifier love it when you are tired...I am that mom that has babies that don't like pacifiers but then are forced to like them...I believe in them..haha...they help with reflux, soothing love it when you are sleepy for sure...
I was just telling you today how much I needed you...your smile, your cuddles, your giggles...there is nothing sweeter...thank you sweet boy...we love you lots
Your schedule is still all over the place but it is also kind of the sameish;)
3-5:00 am-nurse
7 am wake up
11:30-nurse, play
2:30-nurse, play
6-nurse, play
10:00-nurse and bedtime
Our photo session was a little was rainy/cloudy/foggy for days...and you were recovering still but at least we got a few cute ones:)
Weight: 14 lbs 2 oz ( 18%ile)
Length: 25 in (35 %ile)
Head: 16.3 in (36%)
Diapers: Size 2
Longest stretch of sleep: 6 hrs 3 min
Clothes size: 3-6 months
Shoe size: 1
1sts: Thanksgiving, parade (2nd 5K)
Milestones: Sitting up in bumbo
Shots today: Prevnar, Rotateq, DTaP
Happy 3 months sweet boy!
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