Just wanting to sit up like a big boy
A girl and her friend Rose
Target run with a cash register melt down ended with bubba sitting with sissy..."pease"
This girl and her Popi..heart eyes for days
Thanksgiving morning I rounded on patients then ran home to get the fam ready for pictures and over to my parents house..can't wait to see how my parents Christmas card turns out...my brother in law Kevin, of KDLimages.com, always does a great job
My little loves
I have the best sissies in the world
Enjoying some mango
Mimi and Popi with their grand babies
Cutest couple ever
Isabella's thankful card
Friday...Isabella woke up pretty snotty...I could tell she didn't feel 100% on Thanksgiving...this girl liked suctioning herself....we decided to meet for a little shopping though we didn't buy anything Black Friday worthy just some full priced blush and some benadryl haha...I did the majority of my damage online shopping:)
Being the best Auntie ever...giving the baby wearing thing a try
Love this boy
We headed to the Ft. Worth parade of lights and had a blast...Cayson cried in the car on the way in and I knew he was probably going to be sick next and sure enough he woke up Saturday not feeling well at all....Isabella absolutely loved the parade...daddy had to work and I was sad he missed her excitement. Plus he would of helped me navigate better and not get lost trying to find my car haha
She was loving it!!
These 2...adorable
Loving all the lights...
Saturday...we headed for Thanksgiving round 2 with our McDonald family
Sweet sick bubbie and daddy ready for Thanksgiving #2
Cousin time...Isabella had so much fun with her cousins

This was the boys while us girls cleaned the kitchen and rocked fussy babies haha
I was in charge of pies for both Thanksgivings this year...it had been years since I made these and they turned out alright;)
Finally got a few coos from this sick boy
Sunday...we skipped church due to our sick kiddos and it was much needed...then Isabella and I headed to see Noelle be a mouse in the Nutcracker...our mommy/daughter new annual tradition...
2nd annual Nutcracker
Isabella did so great and loved it...
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