Eek what a fun busy week and having a 4 day weekend every 2 weeks may be my life saving game changer. It is so nice just knowing I don't have to go to work on Monday:)
Pretty obsessed with my 2 belly sleepers...they both roll up into the tightest ball they possible can...swoon!!
On my day off we took a trip to the mall to finish up some Christmas shopping, have lunch and visit Santa...
Ready to meet Santa
It went about as I expected...couple more photos later this week...
We put up our tree over the weekend and this sweet girl made it 1000x more fun...Christmas PJ top and rainboots..her go to outfit;)
Daddy got a new bike for Christmas and Isabella thought she needed to ride bikes with him when he got it home:)

Admiring her work the next night...those curls:)
I took dinner to a friend this week and we needed to run to the store despite none of us feeling well and I told Isabella it was time to go and this is how she greeted me....hat, 2 pacifiers, 2 sunglasses, Halloween sippy cup, 3 bows, and love
I told her we could only take in a few things and she chose the 2 pacifiers:) eek...I looked back at one point to see one in her mouth...say what?!
Part of their stocking stuffers arrived this week and I think I was more excited than they will be:)
Friday we ran 1 too many errands...errands with 2 is a game changer:) but we all survived...errands with a toddler is never dull:)
Thank you Buy Buy baby for the new toy rides for shopping!
Friday night...we had dinner at our favorite pizza place in Frisco square after having to run home to rescue lovie...then enjoyed Christmas in the square...Isabella was in love with the lights
These 2 boys were SO cute cooing and laughing with each other..only 6 weeks apart
Sweet momma, Rosalie and Isabella loving on Minnie
Bouncing with Grey
I found her snuggling with Minnie on the ground...she waved me hi...meaning go away haha
Sweet friends...can't wait for Friendcation 2014
Being shy..missing nap is not usually a good idea;)
Elsa in person...she was mind blown!
Love my little family
1st face paint that she immediately smeared:)
Sunday...we enjoyed a delish breakfast, cookies and milk with Ms Claus and being lazy
Little picnic lunch in the media room with daddy
Not so sure about Ms Claus either;)
Isabella loves taking photos with my phone these days and I love this one she captured;)
Playroom fun with this angel:)
that sock...hahahah...her current obsession...she usually has different ones on her feet and hands...
Yay for 4 day weekends and amazing weeks:)
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