We had some glorious weather this week…we enjoyed some park fun though we are paying for it with allergies that are crazy!!! All but daddy of course….this weekend we enjoyed Graham's bday party-Isabella's 1st bowling experience, celebrating Noelle and Hannah's birthdays, Valentine's photos that ended with a tired and "hangry" toddler after we captured some incredible photos at least;)
Getting too big for his britches
My adorable dates:)
This girl is looking too grown up for me!
Rollin with my homies;)
Enjoying some delicious patio dining with daddy
Mommy can I eat that?!
Isabella crashing with the bday girls:)
Just sitting like a big boy these days
I asked if she wanted to cuddle and she kept saying something and I couldn't figure it out…I said go show me so she went and grabbed our blankie…you can't cuddle without a blankie…duh mom! This girl gets me!

You don't eat like this?!
Bowling with daddy!
Cute little shoulder pop
Not so sure about this whole bowling thing;)
My active girl
Modeling before her Valentine photo sesh!! We were practicing her cheese!
This girl gives me the best greeting after church…I love it
So thankful..ready for this week, beautiful weather and hopefully no more allergies!
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