I apologize in advance for the obnoxious length of this post but I have too many cute pictures I feel the need to share….always, right?!

What you do when its cold and need to expend some energy

Spending some time at Mimi's while daddy traveled

Someone found the monitor at Mimi's house
Late night playtime at Mimi's…love needed dinner
This boy and this outfit…I'm in love….
Her first "roller coaster" with Abby her BFF at Brady's bday party
Loving the choo choo train
Just loving some icing
More birthday party fun at Landry's birthday at Kid Mania in Plano
Of course more skeeball
More icing love
He looked like such a teenager sleeping like this;)
He loves to hold my hands…swoon
Sissy didn't mind him holding onto love
He loves food haha
This girl is actually cuddling these days and slowing down for 5 minutes ha!
She wanted Mo bows for church...
These are some old pics I completely forgot to upload last week…
Remember that time I said I wasn't above bribery…"Tweet" is how I got her to sit in my lap so we could finish dinner with some of my BFFs
She loves looking at herself
Go Cowboys…what a sad end to the game this weekend:(
"Dixie cheese"

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