My parents have the most incredible back yard ever!! It is the reason they have not and probably will not move for a long time! They just keep adding on to their house and upgrading it and I don't blame them. it is perfection….beautiful. My dad works so hard to keep it beautiful and you can tell….
Hannah's graduation party was no exception to the incredible festivities they have thrown at their house…we prayed for every detail (most especially the weather to cooperate) and it did! Every detail went better than expected. Everyone had so much fun…PERFECTION!
I have to brag on my hubby…he made this, along with pretty much everything I challenge him with…he is SUPER talented!
Playing with photo booth props! This girl makes my heart swoon!
Obsessed with the puppy!
We love our Auntie Heather!
These boots are a life saver!
Our daddy also made this!! perfect
These two…I could not ask for more!
Her joy is contagious!
This girl is SO talented!!
Oh MIss Hannah we love you more than you know! Our family has been so blessed by you! The Lord has incredible, incredible plans for you!
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