Week in review

Last week was nothing crazy but I have been trying to manage my stress level as I pull of 4 parties, solo road trip, and hosting Thanksgiving all in 4 weeks! Eek….We headed for our first Thanksgiving celebration with the extended Crosby clan…I went solo, Dennis had to be home for some home renos so I was alone. Thankfully the kiddos did great and we all had a blast:) 2 parties and road trip down:)
Isabella's new favorite thing is to read Cayson his bedtime book. It's precious, they both love it!
My boy and his 2 favorite things!
He loves the freedom of getting to run!
Pete and repeat
Ready to hit the road in their comfiest clothes. She had to take the Gberry twins announcement with her and wanted a picture holding it like this!
Road trip diversion for entertainement

Family walk time

Frisbee "ball" football time-our annual thing
Observing this crazy game

I love how well they play together at this age

His first Thanksgiving feast

Golf cart ride


Deer watching

She hates for the party to end as much as her momma!

Isabella likes to take his photo every car ride!

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