Mrs. Karbs was my freshman year cheer coach…she left a lasting impression! LOVE her!
Love these girls with all my heart
Jaimee was speed painted:)
This girl is officially a no napper….the fight isn't worth it anymore but she is good at quiet time and falls asleep so fast, I've even moved her bedtime up
We decided a garden was on our list…Dennis has been working hard on it and I'm hoping we see fruits of our his labor!
She was SO proud of her makeup:)
Finishing up Easter decor and St Pattys decor
I love my little ballerina
We started Whole30 today so we decided trying out Hula Hut for one more cheat night
I ordered the kids ice cream because it is usually how we can finish our meal in peace but didn't realize this is what it would be:)
Watching the wake boarder next door
These sweet kiddos….love watching their little friendship
Ready for church
Cayson's new cheese face
Helping daddy some more
Still NO nap but at least resting….
She has become a pro at these places…crazy to think 2 years ago she hated these things
Blurry but cute
So cute
She had a blast
Peek a boo
The adorable birthday boy and sissy:)
So thankful to have today off!! Thank you Mondays off:)
I cannot wait to discuss this garden with you!!! I have always wanted to do one...but I can't even keep my plants watered on my patio!