Frienfam vacay 2016

We have been MIA because we embarked on the sweetest weekend with our little fam and friends. We braved San Antonio-Sea World and Hyatt Hill Country with 6 adults and 7 kiddos under 4 years old. We survived! It was SO fun and we made so many fun memories! I am planning a how to travel post as well as tips and tricks to Sea World/San Antonio soon.

We arrived late Thursday night and stayed with our sweet friends in their new gorgeous casa!
These girls were obsessed with Baby Lane!

Friday…and off to Sea World with our crazy train!

Ready to go

Cutest dads and kiddos ever

Shamu show…I literally teared up…so nostalgic and fun to bring my kiddos to something I loved as a kid

Off to the Sea World water park!! Best idea ever

Matching suits on the cutest

Worn out

Saturday…we debated the Riverwalk but decided that could be mayhem so we chose a fun little low key bowling place then headed back for the kiddos to grab naps!

Sunday…time to head to Hyatt Hill Country! 

This brave boy!! 

Cutest little friends ever! Not pictured-10 week old baby Lane

Smores and movie on the lawn..Hyatt Hill country knows where it's at

Such a sweet, fun, memorable weekend!! SO thankful!

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