Life lately...

We had a fun busy week/weekend around here. The usual Target runs (duh!), play dates (our favorite), back to school clothes shopping (Isabella was in heaven) and a quick trip to Crown Colony Golf club with some of our small group friends. 
These two!!

The sun has gotten to be "Too bright momma" for our photo sessions!

Love my sweet high school friends...crazy to think here we are having play dates with our kiddos..something we talked and dreamed about over 10 years ago:)

Cayson helping carry the car seat!

Mommy's car needed to be serviced so we got a loaner and had a quick late linner (late lunch early dinner-for those who have never heard of linner before haha) 
Some of their back to school loot. Where has the summer gone!

Splitting up guys and girls was the best idea yet...we basically had a 3.5 hour dance party sesh!
And we have arrived for "baycation" 

My little dare devil

Isabella's Derek, not to be confused with Aunt Hannah's Derek;)

A quick quiet time

Sweet friends

Golf ball fun

Sweet is she 2 and since she's 2 that means Cayson turns 2 tomorrow:( Ah!!

My sweet sleeping buddy...we decided to forego blowing up the kids beds and hopped in with them...I may or may not have slept less than 2 hours between nightmares, Dennis snoring and getting punched in the face but I still love it!

Quick swim before heading home! 

This silly girl..."Wook at my silly feet mommy"

And that's a wrap. Back to Monday. Back to the grind. Back to work!

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