Cayson's dedication

This past weekend we had the honor of dedicating our sweet Cayson before our church congregation. I know, I know he is 2 but we have been out of town the last few dedications, I'm just thankful we got it done before new sister arrives:)

Dedication at our church is our way of saying we plan to raise our son in a Christ centered home and the church family is there to support us! Our prayer for Cayson is that the Lord stirs his heart for Him and that He always know the love of Christ!

Cayson just really wanted down and to be with Mamaw or Mimi, he was not loving being forced to stay in my arms...he was by far the oldest and most uncooperative, ha!

Choosing a verse...there were so many but my desire when raising a boy is that he grow to be a man of Christ and lead his family well. 

His big grin is because I told him as soon as he got his book he could go see mamaw!

Sweet Cayson, we love and adore you!

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