Life has been on the fast track lately...crazy to think how fast time is flying and that we have less than 13 weeks until baby arrives. I am cherishing every minute I have with my two littles and am trying to slow down...ha as best we can these days with our full schedules. Just taking things a day at a time..trying not to stress over the 500,000 things we have to do before baby arrives and just take it one step at a time:)
Enjoying some quiet time with my biggest and littlest!
I decided to potty train at the very last minute one day...we were stuck inside with this sick boy so I thought why not? And he did it...he would prefer to keep on a diaper because well, duh it's easier. I think poop and bedtime might be a little slower with him than it was with Isabella, but I'll take no accidents as a win!! Pull ups are still a must for naps and bedtime so we will see!
These two hold hands to and from school every day and it makes my momma heart skip a beat!! I love it! Watching their little friendship grow is my favorite thing ever!
Hair cut time...he loves to get his hair cut...I think its the free suckers ha!
Post hair cuts:)
He wanted to wear his sunglasses to dinner!
More quiet with this girl and her silly faces!
We played "Watch Ya mouth" at my parent's house this weekend! I couldn't stop laughing long enough to even play and the kiddos absolutely loved it! If you haven't played it yet I highly recommend!
I came out dressed for church and Isabella said "Mommy I don't really like your outfit." So of course I asked why and she said, "Because your pants are too long and they go out like this!" Making her arms go wide...apparently she only does skinny jeans, ha! She did want to match me though she was in skinny jeans;)
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