We had such a sweet Mother's Day yesterday. We not only got to celebrate with our precious family but they all joined us to dedicate our precious Addilyn. While in the service I couldn't help but feel so blessed as I looked around, sweet Cayson in my lap, little Addi asleep in mama's arms and Isabella cuddled in Mimi's arms. I am so blessed and thankful for my incredible momma and all the other special women in my life. I know Mother's Day can be difficult for some but I felt that all mommas-birth mommas, step mommas, foster mommas, adoptive mommas, grieving mommas, and those dreaming and waiting to be mommas realize and know you are so loved, treasured, valuable and that their work is SO meaningful.
This family- SO blessed!
Having my whole family in church for worship-my favorite!
Sweet cousins
My heart
The verse we chose for Addilyn was Zechariah 2:5-And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the LORD, and I will be the glory in her midst
Dennis got the whole congregation laughing when he introduced Addilyn as our 3rd and last baby;)
Home for a swim party at our house:)
Hope you had a blessed weekend and Mother's Day!
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