We finally found time last week to hit up the Little Elm "Beach." It is really a lake front entry with sand and shallow water, genius. If you live in the area and haven't been you must go. Right now is the perfect time because it isn't as crowded now that school has started. Isabella has been begging to go to the beach all summer but with little Addilyn's arrival we didn't plan a real one this year, but in her 4 year old mind we went to the beach;) Score! The kids played in the sand and water for hours. The water is the perfect depth for the kids to play in and since it's really a lake Isabella said she could swim since there are no crabs or sharks;) They have life jackets available and a cute little hut that serves some basic lunch foods. We opted for our own Chick fil A picnic but the kiddos had a blast. They also have paddle boards, kayaks and bikes you can rent. We will definitely try to head there one more time before summer is over.
It was the day of the solar eclipse and I captured this photo on my phone
Kids bathing suits: Kortni Jeane
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