We have crammed in all the festive things this last few days-Santa, Polar Express, Christmas Parties, Ice Skating, Christmas lights!! We have had so much fun. We decided to take a trip to the Galleria for all it's festiveness and see Santa there this year. Cayson was so excited and we talked on the way there about how we don't need to be scared of him. I wish I had my video out when he saw him! it was absolutely priceless. The picture they snapped is just a peak of his excitement. We didn't get any huge smiles but no one is crying so I'll take this year's pic as a win!! The kids loved shopping through the Galleria and Isabella was Uh-obsesssed with watching the ice skaters. She's been begging to ice skate for months and we are finally taking her tonight, can't wait!
Cayson=priceless "Mommy it's Santa"
Right before Cayson starts picking his nose, ha!
Lunch to watch the ice skaters and she starts putting chips on her sandwich!! ha, she is her father's child!
Santa recap:
Notice sweet Cayson and why we discussed that Santa isn't scary this year;)
Oh my heart! I LOVE these!
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