f r i d a y favorites


ONE. Sunshine. You know what I REALLY, REALLY love...it is sunshine. Like I need sunshine. I could never live somewhere like Seattle where it rains regularly. It's been raining in Texas for approximately 932 days, no but really it feels like it. The only thing good about rain is you can wear hats everyday because no use fixing your hair and rain boots. We are addicted and have loved getting to wear them for a week straight. Now bring back summer....
Rose gold rain boots- I mean have you seen anything cuter 

TWO. LOL surprise pearl additions. My kids like, 99% of the kids on this planet, are obsessed with LOL dolls. These adorable LOL surprise pearls are currently on Amazon, run!! I'm snatching a couple up and will probably hoard them until Easter. Who am I kidding, I know I won't be able to, but I will make them earn them. Scrub the floors, do the dishes, hmmm what should it be;)

THREE. Capri blue diffuser. I don't use candles all that much any more, I use my diffuser way more but I think I will forever be in love with and have Capri blue candles around. My friend introduced me the the Capri blue diffuser a few weeks ago, mind blown!! Love these for the bathroom, my office, really anywhere! The best!

FOUR. Salt water sandals.  I braved the rain with 3 kiddos to Nordstrom on Wednesday to grab a couple birthday gifts. I grabbed Isabella a new pair of these for summer and tried some on Addi. I'm torn between grabbing her a wee little pair or these Freshly picked sandals. Obsessed with them both. 

FIVE. Silhouette Cameo. I know I've mentioned my love for my Cameo before but its been a while. I go through random phases of using mine tons and letting dust collect on it. I've been using mine a lot lately since I have been labeling new stuff for Addilyn. If you use a lot of vinyl or make banners it is a must. 

Happy Friday!