The tooth fairy officially made her appearance, twice now. Isabella has been milking a few loose teeth for weeks. She has been dying to lose her first tooth. She was so nervous about them being pulled out and too be honest that is low on my list of things I might like to do as a parent, haha! I am so thankful they both basically just fell out. Her first tooth she wiggled right out with her tongue one morning and her second just fell out while I was brushing her teeth. I found this adorable Tooth fairy Maileg mouse right before Christmas and it is perfection. We love Maileg toys. I just used Mod Podge and gold glitter to make her dollars sparkly but after doing this twice I will be ordering this spray glitter for next time:) Oh and this Bernstein Bears Tooth Fairy book is SO precious, we read it the night before the tooth fairy comes:) I debated one of these cute doors but didn't have time to order them because of holiday craziness they wouldn't ship in time, but I do love the idea! I've had some items saved in my Amazon cart for months in anticipation for being the "tooth fairy." My heart was racing trying to sneak out the tooth and replace it with money, phew, this parenting gig is rough, haha!
She's getting TOO big...goodbye baby teeth!
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