Friday afternoon before dinner we headed out for a fun little hike. We ended up on a red trail and got our butts kicked but the kids did great.
Saturday morning we woke up had breakfast and headed out for horse back riding. Addi was too little so she rode the ponies and train with daddy. Cayson and I rode tandem and Isabella was so brave on her own horse. We had so much fun. We went to Beavers Bend Depot from some recommendations from a friend and had a blast. We headed back for a quick rest before heading out for a little fishing fun. The kids loved it...there was no way they were going to catch a fish with all the noise and the constant casting and reeling it in but they sure had fun.
Adore this girl and all her accesorizing:)
Isabella snatched this picture and I love it
I'll take this extra 20 pounds anyday!
My absolute favorite...we've spent many of days and hours like this. I have missed it.
Oops RED trail
Our little crew!
The Jojo bows followed us, haha!
Horse back riding crew
Cayson said, "this is the best day ever!"
Jojo sweater lives on...
Train ride...Addi was so excited to see horsies that she dropped her paci overboard, eek!
Cutest fishing crew
These two scared ALL the fish away in the first 5 minutes I'm sure
Saturday night we grilled out steaks, the kids hot tubbed and we play Telestrations after dark....and laughed more than I had in ages. It is very adult only but we loved it.
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