First day of school (e-learning)

Just like that we are off to 3 weeks of E-learning. We are 5 days in and some days are more painful than others, haha. My sweet kiddos are so desperate to get back to school but we are all working through this school work with grace and patience as best we can. Addi throws in a whole other element but we can do this. 

Ordered the kids the cutest cookies from Polka Dot Gal Bakery. They were so perfect. Cute plates and napkins are from Ellie and Piper Co. I drew the pink line on with a pink sharpie to make it look like piece of paper:)

Our E-learning work space:)

Grabbed these sweet cookies for my sis (her first year teaching) and the kiddos teachers. We handed them off at the drive by Meet the Teacher parade. 

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